niedziela, 3 lipca 2016

Boukey adventures from all partner schools

A Boukey Story (from Privatgymnasium Dr. Überreiter in Munich, Germany)

In a school somewhere in Europe, there lives a strange animal. It is not dangerous, like a wild bear or a snake. It is not as beautiful as a colorful bird or a peacock.  And it is small, not as big as a cow or a deer. But it has big eyes and looks friendly and it is very clever because it likes reading books and stories. It is called Boukey!
Boukey loves reading very much. And it loves talking about the stories in the books. Just listen to him! When you are very quiet and come close to him, you can hear him talking. Boukey can tell you about his favorite place, a big brick building in Munich, which is called Gasteig library, where you can find all kinds of fantastic books – telling you stories about Pinocchio or Robinson Crusoe, or about Romeo and Juliet, about Frankenstein or Harry Potter.  There are so many interesting stories to read! And reading means travelling in your mind.

In his imagination, Boukey likes travelling, too. He thinks about leaving the hustle and bustle of Munich with its traffic jams, big houses and large streets. What about going to the quiet lakes and forests of Poland or to the beautiful old palaces and museums of Italy? Boukey can imagine visiting the great vineyards of Hungary or the sunny beaches of Turkey. There are so many nice places. Would you like to join him?

„From hate to love” by Jakub Kowalewski
Zespół Szkół Miejskich no 1 in Grajewo

One day Boukey, a young boy who didn’t like reading, went for a walk to the city park. He saw a family of nice squirrels and he decided to feed them. When he approached them, suddenly one squirrel bit his hand with its sharp teeth. Then Boukey fainted. After  five minutes he woke up and noticed red fur on his hands. He was shocked. He decided to come back home very quickly. When he was at home he wanted to read a lot of books. During one week he read all books at home. Later he wanted to join the public library. He was ashame because he had red fur on his body.
One night he decided to rob the library. When he was at the library’s door he opened the window and went inside the building. There were thousands of very interesting books. He felt like in a heaven. He took a big sack for the books. He put almost every book inside it and left. The sack was too big to go out through the window, so he decided to use the door. He forgot about the alarm. The security guards came immediately and caught him. His case was in court and he was sentenced. He didn’t go to prison, but his penalty was following:
He had to go to prison every day and read books to prisoners for ten years.
Boukey wasn’t unhappy because he loved reading and now he reads many books every day. 

Bookey arrived at our grammar school, he met the porter at once. He asked him where he can find the library because he would like to borrow some books so he can read out classical novels. Ont he way , he got thirsty and he drank some icecold soft drink at the school buffet. While he was going to the library, he met one of the school’s PE teachers. They make friends at once and they spoke about their favourite writers. Bookey went into the library and he was very glad when he saw those lots of books. After  a very short time he started to find some classical novels, he read some passages in some of them with some nostalgia, since he adored to  get involved int he world of stories. Finally he took two of his favourite readings from the shelves: Robinson Crusoe and Romeo and Juliet. The librarian – who was smiling- took a photo of our book-lover. After that, he read out some passages for the students who were selecting books, and his audience were amazed at it.  He spent some time int he library because he broke away from the magic world of the library with some difficulty. The next place was a classroom which was likeable for him because of the lots of books. There some children were waiting for him, who heard the great news that Bookey arrived at their famous school and they were looking forward to the fact how nice story they will hear from him. Bookey didn’t wait a lot of time and he began to read passages from Robinson Crusoe which was in connection with their literature lesson. This simple story which had very understandable words – the children were enthralled by them but they felt the deep human contents. The students were watching the special reader but they understood the more serious message as well. There were some students who even helped him turn the pages. Even those students came in to the room who had no lessons when they heard that int he classroom somebody was reading out passages from an exciting novel. The friendly voice attracted more and more students and they also followed the exciting story with smiling faces  but seriously . After the performance eveyrone has made friends with Bookey some took even some common photos with him. Then Bookey returned to the library and stated with some satisfaction that in this grammar school how many students love reading and how interestedthey could listen to the classical READ ALOUD stories.


Boukey is a squirrel who lives on a tree house, with the passion for reading, but  one day he realizes that he has read all the books in his library, so he decides to go in the attic to search some new books to read.
Once he had arrived in the dark and dusty attic he noted a book in particular, it was illuminated by the light of the window, and curiously he approached it and while he was holding it , he noted that it was an atlas  on the first page it was written.. “open me randomly 5 times” and just for fun he started to open it for five different times. 
All of the sudden it began a beautiful trip for Boukey…

The first time he opened the book e found himself in Turkey, and in a flash he fell on a market and he realized that he was in the center of a bazar in Turkey, full of stalls with patterned and esteemed carpets and a lot of different food and spices. Immediately he started to speak to the owner of the stall, a cute and grey ferret called Oliver, they became friends very fast… so these new friends decided to sightsee the city including the great and beautiful basilica dedicated to St. Sofia.
Boukey is so enthusiastic  that he decided to bring his new fried with him to the next trip.

So he holds the book again and he turns the page…this was the time of Germany, and in a flash they were at the most famous party in Monaco which was the October Fest, at this party they could find some new food and drinks a lot of different beers, that they had never tried. In fact here they met a beautiful monkey, her name was Sandra and her profession was brewer. Laughing and joking they all became friends and Boukey was so happy that he could find some more now friends all over the world that he decided to ask to Sandra if she wanted to go with them to another country, the answer was  positive and now the three friends decided to turn the page again…
The next trip was Hungary, and the three friends were catapulted to a Nordic sky full of clouds, and they rolled down a mountain and fell on a eyrie, the group of friends told everything to the eagle, who decided to became a tour-guide for them, visiting the beautiful Budapest. The group was freezing and they saw a pool of hot water… they dived and what a relaxing experience! They started to chat while swimming in this magic water…So also the eagle decided to join the group e follow them to another adventure.
They opened again the atlas and was the turn of Poland, in a second they found themselves in the middle of a forest with the autumn colors. They couldn’t find a way out so they followed the call of a strange bird, and after a while they saw two very large wings, it was an owl who had never seen a group of different animal all together before, so he wanted to become a part of this group and he decided to go with them, they visited the park and he wanted to show them his beautiful place.
Boukey and his friends are very tired but happy for the beautiful experiences they did in all these cities, so Boukey decided to open the last time the atlas to come back home, but first he asked to his friends if they wanted to go with him to have dinner at his place. His friends were hungry too, so they all agreed also because they were curious to visit Italy. So in a flash they returned at Boukey’s house, they all started to have dinner with the  typical dishes from the five cities they came from, they spent a beautiful day all together telling each other the most incredible jokes…
By  Antonio Mazzotti, Buratti Edoardo, Bertaccini Anna and Adele Tonelli (classe 4B Liceo Artistico Serpieri)

                                             TELEPORTATION BY TURKISH TEAM
     There lived dozens of squirrels around a jungle. Everything was normal, until one day... A professor and his family came for a picnic and one of the curious squirrels; Boukey entered in the picnic basket but he couldn‘t get out. Boukey silently hid in the basket. When the family got home, Boukey went out from the basket as soon as he had the chance because he was very hungry.               
     He looked around and  found himself in a lab. This lab was full of the experiment materials and the equipment of the professor.  was fascinating but dangerous.No one should touch or taste any of them.However;Boukey didn’t know about it and ate some pills that look similar to his favourite small nuts.Their taste was very good and he swallowed seven of them immediately.The pills did not have an effect at the beginning.Soon afterwards;Boukey began to feel a stomachache and then a terrible headache. In fact,those pills were for teleportation.Of course,Boukey didn’t know anything about that. He saw a book and a camera on the table and he took the camera and looked inside the book. The book was so interesting for Boukey because it was about different places to travel. Boukey who is interested in travelling a lot, started to read  the book unaware of the things that would happen in a few minutes.
   Then something flashed.Boukey was scared and curious. There appeared a weird light and a machine. He went to machine and touched it.All of a sudden,lights shone brightly and the machine made a loud noise.At that moment,the teleportation machine pulled Boukey inside.
    When Boukey opened its eyes,he was in İstanbul.Boukey was in Hagia Sophia Mosque.In the book,he read: ‘ Hagia Sophia is a former Christian patriarchal basilica (church), later an imperial mosque, and now a museum (Ayasofya Müzesi) in IstanbulTurkey.It was built by the  Byzantine Emperor Justinian I.’Boukey liked this mosque. He took photos of this place.
   Then suddenly,something flashed again.Now,Boukey was in a place covered white.In the book,it said: ‘Pamukkale, meaning "cotton castle" in Turkish, is a natural site in Denizli Province in southwestern Turkey. The city contains hot springs and travertines, terraces of carbonate minerals left by the flowing water.Pamukkale is protected by UNESCO and the site is in the World Heritage List. In addition,you can swim in this water.’’ Boukey liked this a lot  and swam in the hot pools.
     Boukey was very astonished by his travels.He touched the book and was transported to another place again. Now,Boukey was in Cappadocia.This place was a wonderful place.Boukey was affected by this place a lot.He looked for details in the book and read: ‘’In the time of Herodotus,this place was consisted  by lava and water.The people used to fly in the sky with hot air balloons.”He jumped on a balloon and began to enjoy the view.Flying with hot air balloons was fantastic!’’ He took some photos from the bird’s eye view.
 After Cappadocia,Boukey was teleported to
 Sumela Monastery.This monastery was among the jungle
 and mountains in the Black Sea Region.
  Boukey was surprised by the place.
  Right away,he opened the book and read.In the book,he read as follows:’’Sumela Monastery is located in Trabzon. This monastery is carved inside the mountain at 1.150 m high. It is a Greek Orthodox monastery dedicated to the Virgin Mary.’’
    Boukey played games,sang songs with the tourists in here.He took some  other photos in this place;too.Boukey liked this place a lot,so he  spent a night and he continued his travels the other day.
    The next day,Boukey wake up with a great energy to see another interesting place.He took the book and was teleported to an interesting place surrounded by buildings.There were soldiers at some points and they were guarding that important place. Actually,Boukey was in “Anıtkabir”.He searched about it inside the book and read; ‘’Anıtkabir is the mausoleum of the great leader Mustafa Kemal Atatürk who is the founder and the first president of the Republic of Turkey.This mausoleum  was established by the Turkish Government in 1941 and Mustafa Kemal Atatürk lies inside here.Thus;Anıtkabir is very important for Turkish people.” Boukey loved this place and took photo of Anıtkabir.
     Suddenly;Boukey felt a strange feeling and fainted.The bright light appeared again and pulled him inside.Finally,the effects of the pills was over.When Boukey opened his eyes,he found himself in the same lab.At that time,he heard some footsteps.He jumped outside the window in panic and ran towards the jungle.
   When he got back home;he told a lot about the places he visited to his family and friends.At first;none of them took him seriously thinking that Boukey just had a dream but after Boukey showed them the photos he had taken,they were really surprised.As curious as Boukey,they also learned a lot about some of the important places in Turkey.
   And as you can guess,Boukey visited the professors’s lab whenever possible hoping to find the same pills and travel around the world.
                                 * THE END * 

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