niedziela, 29 maja 2016

Bookmarks workshops in our school

On 20th May 2016 we organized bookmarks workshops. Our students had to prepare a bookmark connected with the Erasmus+ R.A.R.E. project. Here are some photos.

sobota, 14 maja 2016

Books in my life by Tomasz Karwowski 3b

Books in my life

By Tomasz Karwowski, class 3b

Read it means to feel around the world together, in which the books take us. Discard down routine, gray reality leave behind. My life without books would be how the body plan. When I take a book to hand, without spirit, like the desert, on which there will be no I'm moving to a different, better world.
I like to read, because the reading is developing my imagination, sensitivity. Reading, develop my own resource vocabulary. I love books that contain interesting, original and surprising plot, move problems of the modern world. After the book I reach for whenever I have a moment of free time, because reading is the best form of relaxation.
I like to read because reading develops my personality. Reading, chill and I move to another world. With each read a book enhances my apparition of the beauty of literature and culture.
 In my opinion there is nothing more beautiful than reading books. No movie cannot show what we see by reading.

The end of Pinocchio by Tomasz Karwowski, class 3b

The end of … Pinocchio
by Tomasz Karwowski, class 3b

One day, Pinocchio and his father - Gepetto went on holidays to Iceland. They enjoyed the place and decided to move on there. Pinocchio started his school, Gepetto found a nice job. They lived like normal people. But nothing lasts forever. Pinocchio grew up and had to leave his father, move to another city to continue his education. Gepetto really loved his son. He was sad, because his son was the most important to him. But Pinocchio made a decision and he will leave his dad soon. Gepetto accepted son's choice and even bought a new car so that he could visit his son more often. But one day, before he left Land Of The Sun, he and his best friend - Zdzisław, were playing football when Pinocchio saw a beautiful girl and fell in love with her. Zdzisław knew that girl, so he helped his best friend and introduced him to Gryzelda. In the course of time, the girl fell in love with Pinocchio. Pinocchio was in no posistion to leave Gryzelda so he decided to finish school in his city. Gepetto was happy about that. Pinocchio and Gryzelda lived happily ever after.

Book review - Harry Potter by Tomasz Karwowski 3b

Book review - Harry Potter by Tomasz Karwowski 3b

If you're looking for a book full of riddles, mystery and magic, Harry Potter will be excellent for you. The book is about Harry Potter, young boy who lives with his uncles. No one was treating him with the love and sensitivity, what made him a sad person without friends. But one day he described his true past, that he is a wizard. Harry was always thinking, that his parents died in the car accident. But it was just a lie, because the Dark Lord, Voldemort, had killed them. Harry have a scar on his forehead, which is looking like a lightning. When the Dark Lord was trying to kill him, he couldn't do that, but he left him a scar. The book about Harry Potter, who learn magic in the Hogwart, fight against Lord Voldemort and try to save his school from many dangers with his friends, Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley is exciting and perfect. The dark world and even more dark riddles are waiting for you. The story about friendship, fight, darkness and magic. I recommend this book to you. You won't waste your time with it. 

This is my story by Tomasz Karwowski class 3b

 This is my story 

by Tomasz Karwowski class 3b

I always dreamed to learn about my future. I was interested in it so much that I tried to create my own machine to travel, but my skills are not allowed to create something acting exactly in this way.
One day I woke up in the middle of the night, so I at least thought, because all around me was dark. I got up from the bed and suddenly fell, and then I lost consciousness. I woke up after a certain time, but not in my house, and in a round, green room. After a while it came to me a small, thick, green form and said something, but I did not understand anything. After a while it came anymore. They were not nice to me, put me on some bed, if you can call it that and I was wearing seatbelts. They wanted to carry on me probably some experiments. Did not anticipate, however, that the strips may be too weak and I will be able to break out. I started to run, I managed to leave that horrible room. However, you can say that I came up with "from the rain under the pipe" because there were many long corridors. I took a chance, however, and I ran a corridor number 3. On my way I met a few of these strange characters. However, they were so small that no problem over them I could jump. I reached the end of the corridor and suddenly I saw that the road ended. However, they were behind me, I had to jump. During the flight, I noticed my home fell on the roof and I lost consciousness. I woke up in the morning and I was sure that it was a dream, but I have been wondering why the feet protrude beyond the bed. I looked at the calendar it was the year 2038, and the previous night in 2016, I looked in the mirror and literally I was older by a good 20 years. I didn't know what to do. I broke down. All of a sudden I heard "Tomek, 7 o’clock, stand up for school"-it was my mum that earns me to school, and everything turned out to be innocent, but to this day I wonder, to make sure we are alone in the universe.

czwartek, 12 maja 2016

Erasmus+ R.A.R.E. corner at our school

 Erasmus+ corner
 Brochures by Turkish team
 The sixth meeting in Poland
 The seventh meeting in Italy
Boards of all Erasmus+ R.A.R.E. meetings