sobota, 14 maja 2016

The end of Pinocchio by Tomasz Karwowski, class 3b

The end of … Pinocchio
by Tomasz Karwowski, class 3b

One day, Pinocchio and his father - Gepetto went on holidays to Iceland. They enjoyed the place and decided to move on there. Pinocchio started his school, Gepetto found a nice job. They lived like normal people. But nothing lasts forever. Pinocchio grew up and had to leave his father, move to another city to continue his education. Gepetto really loved his son. He was sad, because his son was the most important to him. But Pinocchio made a decision and he will leave his dad soon. Gepetto accepted son's choice and even bought a new car so that he could visit his son more often. But one day, before he left Land Of The Sun, he and his best friend - Zdzisław, were playing football when Pinocchio saw a beautiful girl and fell in love with her. Zdzisław knew that girl, so he helped his best friend and introduced him to Gryzelda. In the course of time, the girl fell in love with Pinocchio. Pinocchio was in no posistion to leave Gryzelda so he decided to finish school in his city. Gepetto was happy about that. Pinocchio and Gryzelda lived happily ever after.

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