niedziela, 31 maja 2015

Robinson Crusoe review by Paweł Łajewski

The book ”Robinson Crusoe” by Daniel Defoe talks about the extraordinary adventures of the main character - Robinson Crusoe.
The action of the novel takes place in England in seventeenth century. The author shows the hero as a boy fascinated by sailing who against the wishes of his parents decided to become a sailor. His passion is so strong that he decides together with an old friend to go to the sea expedition, without asking parents for permission. The novel tells the story of Robinson living alone on a desert island, his struggle with nature and adversities after the rescue of the marintime disaster. His resourcefulness, determination, ability to get along in a completely unfamiliar conditions, his incredible adventures are described live and interesting. Of particular note are the colourful descriptions of wildlife, they allow for a while to find my thoughts in that climate.
In addition to descriptions of the existence of objects, the author weaves a novel thread friendship that develops between the main character and a native from the island. That makes this story even more interesting. Interpreting it today, you can be found here as a dialogue between two civilizations. Robinson - as the representative of the developed part of society and Friday - a simple man of the jungle, eating with hands and did not speak the seventeenth-century creations of contemporary civilization.
The story is very rough, does not allow the reader to get bored language, which is written, is approachable and does not pose difficulties understanding the text.
In my opinion, Daniel Defoe’s novel is a very nice and interesting to read, full of exciting adventures. It contains both colourful descriptions of nature, as well as the main characters. This story is very role-playing.
This novel, due to its optimistic nature, the praise of human reason and experience, deserves special attention.
I recommend this book which is really interesting and addictive.

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