The book
”Robinson Crusoe” written by Daniel Defoe tells the story of the extraordinary
adventures of Robinson. The story takes place in seventeenth century in
England. The author shows the hero as a boy who desperately wanted to be a
sailor and against the wishes of his parents he decided to sail with his old
friend and his father. The author very accurately described the life, struggle,
adventure, construction of residential buildings and sailing. The most I liked
in this book the full blunt actions such as: fight Robinson with the Caribbean,
the hero defended Friday, the fight
against pirates and the Caribbean at the sea. In the book of Daniel Defoe I
didn’t like for example: death of Friday, the death of Robinson’s parents and
sad moments in life of the hero. The novel is very addictive. I recommend
this book to people who like adventure novels.
In the
beginning I didn’t like to read this book, but later it sucked me.
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