poniedziałek, 25 stycznia 2016

Boukey adventures by Paweł Tydelski class 3b

Boukey and Friends

Boukey lived in the forest. Although it looked like the other squirrels, it was different than all. She had the ability to communicate with all the animals of forest. One day she decided   that she would find the best friend. First time she met the bear, but he replied:
-          I’m too big to be your friend.
The  second time she met an ant, but she replied:
-          I’m too small to be your friend.
Boukey was sad. At some point Boukey met the bird. He said:
-          Let’s stay friends, we fit together.
-          Okey, I’m so happy !
Then a new friend took him to his home and introduced him to his family. Boukey also showed him his house. From that moment Boukey and the bird began to meet and watch movies together. They planned that will meet once a week and watch together their chosen movies. The first meeting took place in Boukey’s house. As the Bird was a guest he could choose movie. He chose ‘’Pulp Fiction‘’. They had a great time. The next visit was in Bird’s home. Boukey chose favourite movie, but Bird said it is boring. Boukey was furious for what he said, because it was his favourite movie. They quarreled and didn’t talk to each other. However, after some time they reconciled and stayed friends for a long time.

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