niedziela, 24 kwietnia 2016

Review of “Little Prince” by Julia Obrycka

Review of “Little Prince” by Julia Obrycka, class 1A

The action begins in the Sahara, but In this book are many other planets. The narrator in the book is the pilot, who broke down the plane. One day, the boy appears- the Little Prince, who tells his story. As a child, the pilot drew a boa constrictor that swallowed an elephant. All the adults thought that the image shows the hat. The Little Prince knew what was in the picture. The Little Prince arrived on Earth from a distant and small asteroid called B612. Occupation boy was pulling sprouting trees and cleaning volcanoes. The Little Prince asked the pilot to draw a sheep. He was pleased only when the pilot drew the chest, which is closed with a lamb. Before Little Prince reached the lands visited by 6 planets. They lived on them: the king without subjects, coxcomb, a drunkard, a business mann, lighter and geographer. They seemed very strange. The strangest planet for the boy seemed to Earth, because it was big and the people living on it had no imagination. The boy had a rose that loved, cared for her and fulfills her wishes. He was disappointed when he saw that on Earth there are many roses he thought that his rose is unique. Fox told the boy that it is for him only a little boy, and he is for a boy only a fox like a hundred other foxes. If you get familiar with each other it will be the most important for each of them. The Little Prince returns to his planet. The boy must leave the land. The boy realized that the rose is his true friend and wanting to return to her, he died.

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